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Current Population And Projections

South Africa's Growing Population: A Statistical Snapshot

Current Population and Projections

According to the latest United Nations data, as of July 1st, 2022, South Africa's population is estimated to be approximately 61,011,126.

Projections suggest that the population will continue to grow in the coming years, with estimates predicting that it could reach around 606 million by the end of June 2022.

Historical Growth and Key Demographic Indicators

In 2015, South Africa's total population was recorded as 55,386,000, indicating a steady increase over the years.

Key demographic indicators also provide insights into population dynamics: the current median age in South Africa is around 28.5 years, while the total fertility rate (TFR) is approximately 2.3 children per woman.

Immigration and Population Growth

Immigration plays a significant role in South Africa's population growth. The country has a sizeable immigrant population from various parts of the African continent and beyond, contributing to the diversity and growth of its population.
