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Farming Along With Animal Husbandry Is Called

Mixed Farming: A Sustainable and Efficient Agricultural System

What is Mixed Farming?

Mixed farming is a type of agriculture that combines crop production with animal husbandry on the same land. This practice has been around for centuries and is still widely used today due to its numerous benefits.

Benefits of Mixed Farming:

  • Increased productivity: By utilizing the same land for both crops and livestock, farmers can increase their overall productivity and make more efficient use of their resources.
  • Improved soil health: The integration of livestock into the farming system helps to improve soil health by providing manure and reducing erosion.
  • Reduced risk: Diversifying agricultural activities through mixed farming reduces the risk associated with relying on a single crop or livestock enterprise.
  • Enhanced sustainability: Mixed farming promotes sustainability by creating a closed-loop system where crop residues can be used to feed livestock, and livestock manure can be used to fertilize crops.
